Accustomed to biting off more than I can chew, I dove right in on this website creation gig. Thinking I was some kind of idiot savant, prodigy, or maybe just thought "anyone can do this, it ain't rocket science", I hooked up with Go Daddy Dot Com and bought into their Website Tonight program. For not much money they provide a limited number of templates and as it turns out a very limited number of options to get a basic website up and running.
After 10 or so very frustrating hours, I threw in the towel. Seems there are some simple minds who cannot grasp simple things. Actually I found the process less sophisticated than the spiffy gadgets and doodads I have been taking for granted these past 5 years on the Google blogging templates. Website Tonight is for someone who has no experience. Not for someone like me with just enough experience to be dangerous.
Okay. I now realized that building a website might be easy, but having more than just a bit of HTML savvy was probably a good idea. It also might be helpful to have more than just a hint of a clue of how this stuff worked. In desperation, I googled like a fool to find that magic free fix that would create the website I dreamed of. After all, I don't have any scratch to pay for something real. And here I thought knowing which side of the mouse did what was all there was to it.
There were plenty of free templates and more than a little advice free for the taking. After checking out some and playing with a few, I decided to go with the web builder that came with my Microsoft Office program. I mean Hell, all I want to do is get one page out there with contact information and a sign that says Site Under Construction". The "blow their socks off" site would come later once I figured out how it all worked. Yeah right. I think now I would settle for the "just let em know you exist" site.
More to come................
Day 1 of Winter Challenge
2 days ago
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